(MOR) Accident/Incident or Occurrence Reporting




The purpose is to make aircraft operators registered in the State of Kuwait aware of the Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Electronic System (MORES ) and to seek all cooperation to report the details of any accidents/incidents according to the KCASR.


The MORES was established to fulfil the KCASR requirements and to identify potential hazards and system deficiencies early and assess associated hazards or system deficiencies.


Reporting accidents/incidents under the MORES system is a mandatory requirement. However, the DGCA-ASD encourages voluntary, confidential reporting to the same criteria across the whole state of Kuwait’s civil aviation operations spectrum. Without prejudice to the proper discharge of its responsibilities, the DGCA will not disclose the name of the person submitting a Voluntary Confidential Report or of a person to whom it relates unless, in either case, the person authorises disclosure.

Reporting all accidents/incidents will assist the DGCA-ASD in responding to events that may have safety implications for all air operators or affect the state of Kuwait’s civil aviation transportation system.

The overall objective of the DGCA-ASD in operating Operations Occurrence Reporting is to use the reported information to improve flight safety and not to attribute blame.


For example:

  • Aircraft evacuation due to potential hazard
  • Dangerous Goods Spill affecting safety
  • Aircraft Hijacking
  • Hostage Taking
  • Terrorist activities
  • Bomb Threats/Bomb Found
  • …etc.



Aircraft Accident

Any aviation occurrence at any time during the period commencing when the first person boards an aircraft for the purpose of flight and ending when the last person disembarks from the aircraft after the flight:

  1. Any person sustains serious injury or fatal injury that is not self-inflicted or caused by natural causes as a result of that person:
    1. being in the aircraft,
    2. coming into direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including any part that may have detached from the aircraft or
    3. being directly exposed to jet blast/propeller wash of the aircraft;
  2. Aircraft sustains damage or structural failure adversely affecting the aircraft’s structural strength, performance or flight characteristics, typically requiring major repair or replacement of any affected part. Serious Injury – means an injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:
    1. requires a stay in the hospital for more than 48 hours commencing within seven days from the date on which the injury was received or
    2. results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose) or
    3. involves lacerations that cause nerve, muscle or tendon damage, severe haemorrhage, or
    4. involves injury to any internal organ or
    5. involves second or third-degree burns or any burns affecting more than five per cent of the body surface or
    6. involves exposure to infectious substances on injurious radiation.

Aircraft Incident

Any aviation occurrence involving an aircraft where:

  1. Engine failure, fire, flameout, shutdown or significant malfunction.
  2. Smoke or fire occurs.
  3. Difficulties in controlling the aircraft in flight are encountered due to any aircraft system malfunction, weather phenomena, wake turbulence, operations outside the approved flight envelope or uncontrolled vibrations.
  4. Rejected take-off.
  5. Go-around (not related to weather), rejected landing.
  6. The aircraft fails to remain within the landing and take-off area, lands with one or more landing gear retracted or drags a wing tip, tail or engine pod.
  7. Landing gear malfunction.
  8. A heavy landing requiring a “heavy landing check” Overweight landing.
  1. Any crew member who cannot perform their flight duties due to incapacitation.
  2. Decompression, explosive or otherwise, that necessitates an emergency descent.
  3. A diversion.
  4. A fuel shortage necessitates diverting or requires approach and landing priority at the aircraft’s destination.
  5. Aircraft refuelled with the incorrect type of fuel or contaminated fuel.
  6. A collision or risk of collision with any other aircraft, vehicle, terrain, or obstacle occurs, including a collision or risk of collision that may be related to Air Traffic Control procedures or equipment failures.
  7. The aircraft receives a Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Resolution Advisory.
  8. Air-misses.
  9. A flight crew member declares an emergency or indicates any emergency requiring priority handling by an Air Traffic Control Unit, Crash, Fire, or Rescue Services.
  10. Toxic gases or corrosive materials leak from any area aboard the aircraft.
  11. Turbulence encounter – an encounter resulting in injury to occupants or deemed to require a “turbulence check” of the aircraft.
  12. Lightning strike.
  13. Cracked or shattered cockpit window(s).
  14. Significant loss of braking action.
  15. Operation of any primary warning or caution system associated with the aircraft systems or equipment unless the crew conclusively established that the condition was false when it occurred or the indication was confirmed as false immediately after landing.
  16. Failure of emergency system or equipment, including any exit door and lighting, to perform satisfactorily.
  17. Unauthorized incursion or operating irregularity involving vehicles, pedestrians or animals.
  18. Failure of navigational aid, approach aid, communications system, airport lighting, power failure or any other system breakdown adversely affects flight safety or significantly impacts operations.
  19. Criminal action – hijacking, bomb threat, riot, sabotage, or aviation/airport security breach.
  20. The unavailability of a runway due to obstructions or foreign objects significantly impacts airport operations.
  21. Bird strikes.
  22. Missing Aircraft reports, Search and Rescue activation, and Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) activation.
  23. Labour action affecting operational capability.
  24. Item dropped from an aircraft.
  25. Regulatory infractions with immediate safety implications involve commercial air operators or may generate media attention.
  26. Environmental emergencies such as a fuel spill, hazardous chemical or radioactive spill on airport property,
  27. Death or serious injury to employees or members of the public while onboard an aircraft,
  28. Any occurrence which may generate a high degree of public interest or concern or could be a direct interest to specific Foreign Civil Aviation Authorities.
  29. If in doubt, Report.



The Air Operator shall access the online reporting system and complete the filling of the  Operations Occurrence Report for those occurrences classified as Critical and High-Profile Events immediately after the event by any means possible to the DGCA-ASD mobile, email (Safety@dgca.gov.kw) …etc. The original copy of the Critical and High-Profile Events and other Reportable Occurrences shall be forwarded to the DGCA-ASD no later than 72 hours from the occurrence.

The Quality Manager of the organisation (or similar capacity accepted by the DGCA-ASD) shall report to the Kuwait Aviation Safety Department (DGCA-ASD) the results of their investigation of the occurrence using Side “B” of the Operations Occurrence Report as soon as investigation is completed.

The DGCA-ASD reserves the right to conduct a parallel or independent investigation concerning all occurrences that may have influenced aviation safety.